Summer of night free pdf
Summer of night free pdf

Simmons states that Brimfield, Illinois, where he lived for part of his childhood, is the source of his fictional 'Elm Haven'. The brothers' friends, as they were as boys in the same year, are the models for other characters: Mike O'Toole and Jim Hatten, for Mike O'Rourke and Jim Harlen, respectively, and Kevin Hasselbacher, for Kevin Grumbacher. On his website, Simmons implies that his younger brother Wayne is the real-life model for the character Lawrence ("Larry") Stewart, as he himself is the model for Dale, as they were as boys in 1960 Elm Haven, Illinois. Another Summer of Night character, Dale's younger brother, Lawrence Stewart, appears as a minor character in Simmons' thriller Darwin's Blade, while the adult Cordie Cooke appears in Fires of Eden. Another sequel is Children of the Night, which features Mike O'Rourke, now a Roman Catholic priest, who is sent on a mission to investigate bizarre events in a European city.

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The sequel to Summer of Night is A Winter Haunting, in which Dale Stewart, now grown, returns to Elm Haven.

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It is only by banding together that the pre-teens can hope to defeat the monstrosity before it destroys them, their friends, their families - and, possibly, the world.

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Operatives, including a dead soldier giant worms with rows of sharp, serrated teeth the animated corpse of a deceased teacher schoolyard bullies the driver of a rendering truck their school teacher, and the principal of the school, serve a centuries-old evil that seeks to be reborn in their time - and in their town. Set in Elm Haven, Illinois, in 1960, Summer of Night recounts its five pre-teen protagonists' discovery that eerie, terrifying events are unfolding in the Old Central School.

Summer of night free pdf